
From a Static QR Code

This document provides a detailed walkthrough on how to receive money using a static QR Code

1. Create the Static QR Code

Generate the Static QR Code by calling the Create Static QR Code endpoint

curl --request POST \
  --url https://faas.sandbox.tracefinance.io/pix/api/qrCodes/static \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '
  "amount": {
    "value": 2500


  • amount.value is the integer amount in cents.

Note: Once the Static QR Code is created, a QR Code Created webhook is triggered to notify you of its creation.

2. Pay the Static QR Code

Once the QR Code is generated, you can share it with multiple payers, as it can be used repeatedly. If the Static QR Code was not created with a predefined amount, the payer will need to enter the amount they wish to send during the payment process.

What Happens Next

After the QR Code is paid, several webhooks are triggered by the system to notify you about the status of the transaction:

Transaction Created: When the QR Code is paid, a Transaction Created webhook is triggered.

Transaction Completed: For a Static QR Code, there is no payer validation process. Once the payment is made, the transaction is automatically completed, and a Transaction Completed webhook is triggered.

Note: Static QR Codes do not have states, so no QR Code Redeemed or QR Code Expired events are triggered.