
A PIX transaction, in the Brazilian instant payment ecosystem, is a fast and secure method to transfer funds between accounts in real-time, 24/7, including weekends and holidays. It's facilitated by the Central Bank of Brazil's innovative infrastructure, allowing for seamless transactions across different financial institutions.

It allows users to transfer money or make payments in several ways, using:

  • DICT Keys: Unique identifiers such as email, phone number, CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry Number), or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) linked to a bank account.
  • QR Codes: Dynamically or statically generated codes that contain transaction information.
  • Bank Instructions: Entering the recipient's bank account details manually if a DICT Key or QR Code is not available.

Understanding PIX Transaction States

In the PIX payment system, transactions undergo various states from initiation to completion. The DEBIT and CREDIT transactions each follow distinct paths:

DEBIT Transactions

Initiate in the CREATED state, from which they can either transition to PROCESSING or FAILED due to insufficient funds or network errors. From the PROCESSING state, the transaction can be processed successfully and the state will be changed to COMPLETED. Otherwise, it will be changed to FAILED. When transactions fail, a reason object is attached to the state, detailing the cause with a reasonCode. Possible reasonCodes include PROCESSING_ERROR("Transaction could not be processed."), UNFINISHED ("Transaction could not be finished.") and CANCELED ("Transaction was canceled.").

CREDIT Transactions

Uniquely begin in the COMPLETED state, indicating that these operations are only persisted in our database when they are already completed. This approach streamlines the processing of incoming funds, ensuring that only successful transactions are recorded.

Sandbox Environment

To allow failure testing scenarios for our users, all the transactions created with amount ending with 9 will fail during the processing flow.