
Creating Restriction Lists Review


  • This is used to review a person's name on the restriction lists below:
    • OFAC Sanctions
    • UK Sanctions
    • ONU Sanctions
    • UE Sanctions

How to Create a Restriction Lists Review

To create a basic data review, you need to call the Create review endpoint:

curl --location --request POST 'https://faas.sandbox.tracefinance.io/customerCompliance/api/reviews' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
--data '{
  "referenceId": "{referenceId}",


  • {name}: This is the person's name.
  • {referenceId}: If you want it is possible to send us your referenceId it will help you to identify and match the webhooks.

Resulting Status:

  • The endpoint will respond with a status code of 201 with the response below:
    "id": "42abb069-f312-4a9b-aea1-d5ec63f2bf2d",
    "searches": [
    "companyId": "864a44cd-9bc7-43b5-a44b-9d7661cd6ec9",
  	"referenceId": "REF-123"
    "currentStatus": "CREATED",
    "createdAt": "2024-09-09T13:55:30.5520Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T13:55:30.5520Z"
  • Some webhooks will be sent in each step of the review.


Sandbox Environment

  • If you wish to perform a failure test for a person, enter the value John Doe in the name field and send it to us, you will receive a REVIEW_FAILED webhook after some seconds.