
Debit QR Code Transaction

A Debit QR Code Transaction in the PIX system is a type of transaction initiated by paying a QR code. Create QR Code Transaction


The transaction process starts in the REQUESTED state. After this, the QR code undergoes validation. Depending on the outcome of the validation, the transaction can either transition to the CREATED or FAILED state.

If the QR code passes validation, the system checks whether the transaction was initiated via the API and whether there are any pending signatures. If pending signatures exist, the transaction moves to the PENDING_SIGNATURES state until all signatures are completed. Once all signatures are collected, if any reject the transaction, it transitions to the FAILED state.

Otherwise, the transaction proceeds through the normal flow, where it checks for any additional validations. If validations are to be executed, they are processed, and if any validation fails, the transaction moves to the FAILED state. If all validations pass, the transaction continues to the processing phase, updating its status to PROCESSING.

After processing, if the transaction is successful, it transitions to the COMPLETED state. If the processing fails, the transaction moves to the FAILED state.